Audemars Piguet Diver is one of the mostly replicated watches in fake watch industry, many famous factories like Noob, J12 and H produced Diver replicas and they gained great success. Audemars Piguet Diver replica has been improved so many times that each improvement caught a lot attention and discussed by watch fans passionately in various watch forums. Besides the difference between replica and genuine Diver, the models produced by different factories also have some difference. Among those AP Diver replicas, the best one I think should belong to the Diver made by J12 factory, also know as JF. To tell whether a replica is low or high end, I think the most important thing is if it has an 1:1 replicated case, this Audemars Piguet Diver replica is the full stainless steel model, it is fitted with a steel bracelet with solid links, so the watch will feel much heavier than those Diver replicas with rubber strap. Actually this watch is more suitable to people who think their wrist are strong enough to hold such a big guy, it is undeniable that Diver rubber strap model is more loved because of sporty style.
Beside the 1:1 replicated casing, other details like buckle, clasp and the engraving are also in good condition, if you have been in this area for years, you must know how well J12 polishes their bracelet, it always looks more high end than replicas made by other factories. The AP engraving on buckle and clasp engraving all make the replica watch stand out among a lot poor or middle level of replicas. The movement inside the watch is Asian ETA 2824, which is mostly used in the replica watch world, featuring golden auto rotor that has vivid AP logo and other engraving, the movement is fixed by metal ring in the case, very stable, the screw down case back guarantees good water resistance. By the way, the replica Audemars Piguet Diver watch features a superlumed green dial lume. If you have searched many places and still can not decide on which diving watch to buy, this AP Diver replica may be a good start, although in a high price, it promises to bring you a happy experience of buying replicas for the first time.
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