It has been out of stock, now the replica Tag Heuer Aquaracer is available again. This time, BP factory published another great replica, there are three versions, black, white and blue. It is a high quality replica but sold at a very low price because the replica is equipped with a Japanese quartz movement. The watch uses a very common case shape, you can see such type of case in every Swiss brand watch. It is at a cost-efficient price but does not mean the watch is low quality, there are several places that could add points to the replica. I will introdue each big selling point to you in the following article.
The replica is sold at only $238 usd but it is fully made of 316L stainless steel, brushed steel case and bracelet let you really feel its high quality texture, the weight is also considerable and very similar to genuine. Black, white or blue bezel uses real ceramic, on the black watch, there are white bezel engraveings and a luminous pearl at 12 o’clock. The bezel has several clutches for the wearer to rotate easily, especially their hands are wet.
Black dial has stripes, three subdials use sunken design, it gives a perfect visual effect, small second hand is running on the subdial at 3-6-9-12 counter, the top subdial at 12 is for 30-minute chronograph. All trapezoidal hour markers have silver edge and filled with white luminescence. Central slender hand with orange tip is for seconds chronograph. You can read a lot of information from the dial, like it is a replica of Tag Heuer Aquaracer 300M.
Compared with genuine, there is only a little difference on dial, other watch parts are perfect and could be said 99% close to genuine. Especially engravings on case back and buckle, they are very delicate, the engraving has a certain depth and uses sandblasted finishing, which makes the replica feels very real. The fasten construction of the clasp is very realiable.
In a word, for a quartz watch, no replicas like this one have such a high quality.