Now every body who wants to buy a replica watch will concern on which factory the watch is made by, because famous factories like Noob, BP, J12 and V6 not only offer high quality replica watches, but also provide a full after-sales service like free repairing. We understand your concern on the watch quality like case polishing, movement type and genuine leather band, but a more common question will be asked on a golden replica Rolex, that’s its gold coating, how long will the gold last? I have to admit that few replicas use real gold, and the gold coating on most replica Rolex is thin, easily worn. I hope you can understand, that’s a replica, not genuine, you can not ask too much. However, there is one factory named Changrong in our market specializing in making golden Rolex replicas, Changrong has a rich history, it was established nearly eight years ago, earlier than Noob, BP, V6, etc. This factory makes the best golden Rolex replicas, of course, the price is also much more expensive, here I will introduce some popular Datejust 2 replicas made by Changrong, two big features lie in these golden Rolex are their thick gold coating and 18K real gold.
The following is a two tone Rolex Datejust II replica, a very popular Rolex, many clients asked me about its price, but none of them believe that this one is made by a good factory, I mean the gold coating on the bezel and middle links is 18K, it will never fade even after wearing for years. The fluted bezel and bracelet use wrapped gold not usual gold plating, the gold coating is thicker and more durable. Solid steel case and bracelet make you feel heavy when holding the watch on hand. Not only Changrong factory has wrapped gold advantage, the subtle details of Rolex like rehaut and clasp engravings also feel elegant, very close to genuine Rolex. See the following golden Rolex collection, each is coming from Changrong factory, each of them is a masterpiece, crafted by real watch masters. The factory has one slogan – real 18K gold wrapped, never fade.
What’s more, the golden Datejust 2 116333 replica is equipped with a genuine Swiss ETA 2836-2 automatic movement, not Asian clone 2836, that’s a perfect match with its superior craftsmanship. I uploaded some photos of other Datejust in gold, if you are interested in anyone of them, please leave a comment.
Rolex Datejust II Diamond Black
Rolex Datejust II Golden Black Rome
Rolex Datejust II Golden Dial
Rolex Datejust II Two Tone White Markers
Two Tone Datejust II Oyster Bracelet
Two Tone Datejust II White Dial
Two Tone Gold Datejust 2 Diamond Markers
11 replies on “The Best Golden Rolex Replicas – 18K Datejust II Rolex by Changrong Factory”
How much are these Datejust ll?
hi, do you let me know the price and where can I buy it? Thank you
hello there,
how much of 18K DATEJUST II ?
how much with both watch? if i like to take rolex comex 1680 with the 18K datejust II
Would love some purchase information.
I would like to order the 2 tone oyster bracelet datejust from changrong factory what is the price and how long do the they guarantee the gold plating thanks , please get back with me as soon as you can thanks again.
hello there,
how much of 18K DATEJUST II ?
Me gustaría información de dónde se pueden comprar
How much is the one in the first picture and where can I buy it
Hello I am very interested in purchasing a watch with you! Please contact me when you get this. My name is Michael