To buy your first replica watch, which brand you will choose, Rolex or IWC? Actually both are very popular among watch fans all over the world, and each also has a lot of good quality replicas in our market, in my opinion, Rolex and IWC are two brands that have most good replicas, if I were you, I will consider the Daytona Rolex from Noob, Portuguese 7 Days from ZF or MK Mark as my first replica. Certainly, besides ZF, there are other factories that also make good replicas of IWC, like the new factory M+F, it did not make too many replicas, but each of them is high quality, although sold at a very high price, but absolutely worth.

The two IWC watches I am showing below were published by M+F factory several months ago, they did not catch my attention at that time, but in recent days when I checked my watch collection, this watch appeared in front of my eyes and I found it still has some things worth talking about.

Two Tribute to Mark XI models published by M+F factory this time, one is with black nylon strap, the other is with military green nylon band. Both watches are equipped with Asia 2892 automatic movement. The replica watch is 41mm in case diameter, not big, the case is also only 11mm in thickness, maybe it will not become the favorite watch of many collectors who like watches in big size, but for military watch fans, both models are worth collecting, the vintage dial style and military nylon band are two big advantages of this Tribute to Mark XI.

The case is made of 316L stainless steel, it is brushed, although it is only 41mm, the dial of the watch still looks very large due to the thin bezel edge. Crown on the right case is screwed down to guarantee a good water resistant performance. Check the case from side, it has curved lugs that have very natural streamlined shape, so the entire case can fit your wrist in a more comfortable way. The dial is black with white Arabic numeral hour markers, the markers at 12, 3, 6 and 9 are applied with luminous material, they will emit a strong green light in dark conditions, the most unique place on the dial is its flat-top hour hand, which just inherits the feature of vintage Mark XI watch.

The band of the watch is also not fully made of nylon, the side that contacts with your skin is genuine leather, which feels very soft and comfortable to wear. The IWC Tribute to Mark XI replica watch is absolutely a good timepiece, it is full of retro flavor and works very stable, it is a must have timepiece for people who like simple military style pilot watch.