Now, we know that the best sellers from Noob are Submariner and Daytona, they are made with best material 904L stainless steel and equipped with the best clone movements, now Submariner and Daytona have even become the flagship models of Noob. When picking up your first replica watch, maybe most people will consider to buy a Rolex, while Submariner or Daytona will become their first choice.
Many people asked me my list of top quality replicas through email, I will recommend Submariner and Daytona to them, they are also very satisfied with the quality once receive the watch. Now, the latest version of Noob Submariner has come to V10, Daytona has come to V3. Although the quality is very good, not all people can afford it due to their higher price than other replicas. So, today, I want to introduce some good quality Submariner replicas at reasonable prices, they are also from Noob factory, in recent months, Noob offers special prices on these V8 editions of Submariner models, including 116610LN, 116610LV and 114060 No Date.
These Submariner watches are highly recommended to people who do not have enough budget while still wanting a good quality Rolex replica watch, although they are made with 316L stainless steel, they are really in top quality, while I think there are not too much difference between the V8 and V10, maybe the biggest two differences lie in the case material and movement. Yes, I admit that the Super Clone 3135 movement used on V10 has been too perfect, but the 3135 movement on V8 is also good, and Noob factory exactly offers special prices on the following Submariners with A2836 and A3135 movement. By the way, each of these V8 Submariners with A2836 is sold at less than 300 USD, while the Submariner with A3135 movement is less than 350 USD. Please contact me if you are interested in any one of them.

5 replies on “Noob special price offers on V8 Submariner models”
Hello trying to get a price on both a superclone V10 Submariner Rolex replica. And also a V 8
Hello i want to buy V10 submariner, so how much the price exactly? You said less than $350
What’s the price on a super clone V8 & V10 Submariner Rolex replica.
i would like to buy a v10 rolex submariner in black
I have on the way right now a V10 (hulk – Noob with Super 3135). I paid what I think is a very good price $365 US. You mentioned the V10 case material upgrade to 904L, but did not mention what I think may be biggest, most important upgrade. The V10 bezel upgrade that uses real platinum dust, making the markers the correct color and texture that previously painted markers could not do.
Thank you for all the great rep. reviews. Makes it much easier to weed out the BS some sites put out trying to sell low end trashie reps at Noob/AR prices.