
Rolex Wall Clocks Collection

Many good items in Zhanxi Road in Guangzhou, many foreign customers here too, they went to China, found the luxury products and then sold to their clients all over the world. On my blog, besides brand watches, I seldom introduced other luxury products such as shoes, bags, bracelet, etc., I have a lot of readers who asked me about designer shoes and bags such as LV, yes, I also have a reliable supplier who can provide me with good quality bags, if you are interested in, please contact me. In recent days, a lot of things happened and also many new models were published in our market, one thing that most surprises me is that V6 factory published their black Submariner Date model, that is the popular 116610LN, I never thought that V6 factory will start wo make replicas of Rolex, it is their first replica Rolex watch, about quality, I think it is good, after all V6 has already had a high reputation in this field. Actually, there are a lot of good items that are related to luxury watches, wall clock is one of them, and there is a high demand in it, today, I want to show you some collection of Rolex wall clocks.

All these wall clock use quartz battery, they are not automatic, some people want automatic versions, I told them there are none in our market. Each clock weighs about 1.7kg, the diameter is measured to be 34cm, yes, it is heavy and weight, so the shipping fee is expensive. Please check photos below.

Rolex YachtMaster Wall Clock
Rolex Submariner Wall Clock
Rolex GMT-Master Wall Clock
Rolex Daytona Wall Clock
Rolex Explorer II Wall Clock

5 replies on “Rolex Wall Clocks Collection”

I would like a price list for your Rolex clocks as I am interested in buying a number of them please include any post charges

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