Now there are too many Submariner replicas in our market, people who want to buy one must be confused because they do not know which one is the best. The one with the highest price is probably not the best, I thought Noob makes the best Submariner replica in the past, but now I do not think so because someone in this industry told me that every factory has their own advantages, I also think so. Even the latest V11 edition of Submariner from Noob is not perfect. Several days ago, VS, which is a big watch factory in our market, unveiled their Submariner with 3135 movement, actually I already told you this news in one of my previous posts. Now, how about the quality of this Submariner?

It is good, several clients bought and are satisfied, they said the finish on case and bracelet are good, the dial is also as good as Noob Submariner. You know, I always thought that Noob Submariner has the most perfect dial details, this is the truth, I got my clients VS 116610LN before and compared it with Noob 116610LN, I did not see too much difference on the dial, actually they are very close.

Compared with Noob V11 Submariner, the new 116610LN replica from VS factory has one strong advantage, that’s the 3135 movement. VS factory declared that their 3135 movement is the best in the market, they also compared their 3135 movement with the 3135 with other factories, the comparison of every part on the movement, I saw the comparison review and found the 3135 movement from VS factory is really good, the decoration on the movement plate is closer to genuine Rolex 3135, however, I do not know the power reserve of this movement, maybe need to wait for the feedback of my clients. By the way, the price of Submariner 116610LN from VS factory is much cheaper than that of Noob. For people who want to buy a good replica Rolex, I only recommend three factories, Noob, VS and AR.

One reply on “VS Factory Submariner 116610LN Review”
May you please tell me where I can buy one of the Rolex submariner that made by VS factory.