Before introducing this replica watch, I would like to tell you that all watches from PP factory are available, actually the main four factories that manufacture replicas of Nautilus and Aquanaut, which include ZF, PF, PPF and 3KF, are in normal operation. If you need any top quality replica Nautilus or Aquanaut, it is the best idea to choose one from them.

This replica was just published by PP factory several days ago in May. Actually P factory released the same model in last year, here, the PPF and PF are not the same watch manufacturers, they are two different factories. Now, back to this watch, the one made by P factory before is also in good quality, but maybe the movement is different and it can not implement all functions correctly. However, the one we are discussing today from PPF is the highest quality in our market, all functions you see from the dial are real, they can act like genuine watch.

The dial is blue, yes, only blue dial is available for this Patek Philippe. Seeing from its dial, there are power reserve indicator, moon phase, date, small seconds, they make it a complication. The power reserve displays between 10:00 and 11:00, the bigger circle between 6 o’clock and 8 o’clock has two functions display, first, the small hand is pointing at current date, in the middle, it is a arc-shaped moon phase indicator, which works in the same way as genuine watch. The smaller circle beside is showing the wearer seconds, the small hand inside sweeps smoothly across the small dial.

The movement is visible through the transparent crystal back, it is beautiful, isn’t it? The small auto rotor is working, the movement plates are engraved with every necessary information where you can also see on a genuine PP 240 calibre. This is also the only clone 240 movement that can implement all functions of real Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712. By the way, the replica watch is only about 9.5mm thick, that power reserve is not as long as the one in genuine watch, I suggest you give a full winding before taking it off for a sleep.

4 replies on “PPF Replica Patek Philippe Nautilus Moon Phase 5712 with Clone 240 Movement”
Hy. I just want to know about power reserve. It’s working ? Are you sure?
Let me know the prize
The price and quality please.
Power reserve doesnt work.
How can I buy this watch and where