With the clousre of more and more watch factories, now people are very confused when they need to buy the best replica watches. Before, every factory has their best-selling replica, for example, Noob’s Daytona, VS’s Submariner and Datejust, VS’s Panerai, JF’s Audemars Piguet, now, these three factories are temporarily closed, so people do not know which source should be trusted in order to get the best replica. For Daytona, I do not suggest you buy unless Noob back to us. For Submariner, although VS’s is the best, but ZZ and ZF currently can also offer you top quality replicas. If you want any Panerai, the only way is to wait. For Audemars Piguet, if you want the best replica of 15400, 15500 or 15202, ZF is the best resource to get. JF and XF are closed, while OM’s quality can not be compared with ZF.
So, my conclusion is, if you want the best AP Royal Oak 15400 or 15500 replica, choose ZF version. If you want the best 15202 replica, also choose ZF version, because XF is still not open. If you want the best AP Royal Oak Offshore Diver 15703 replica, choose ZF version. If you want to buy a AP Royal Oak Chronograph Sec@12 replica, then need to wait for the back of J12 factory.
However, OM factory is not completely uncompetitive in Audemars Piguet field, in my opinion, their Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph replica is the best. Check the photos below, this Audemars Piguet rose gold watch is made by OM factory, it is the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph watch many readers asked me before, now I think only OM factory makes the best replica of it, although the two subdials at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock have fixed small hands, but the position of these three counters on the dial is exactly the same as that of genuine watch. BF makes this watch also, but the position of subdials is not correct, so you will easily tell it is a fake. While on this OM version, seeing from its dial outlook and case finish, you will know it is a top quality replica.

2 replies on “Where to get the best AP replicas when most factories are closed?”
Hello , who do I need to contact to do a potential purchase?? Need a lil bit of info
Hello for now which is the best factory for AP Roayl Oak Chronograph. OM or JF