Long time not to see this Daytona now, since the closure of Noob factory, I have not introduced this Daytona from any watch factories. This Daytona with gray dial and black rubber strap is really hot, whose popularity is next to Panda Daytona, but no other watch factories make this Daytona with top quality after Noob was closed. TW factory and JH factory make this Daytona, but I do not suggest people buy it, unless you are exactly looking for a moderate quality one. About the best Daytona replica, I still recommend the Panda Daytona from Clean, but for this gray Daytona, Clean does not make it.
The best gray Daytona should be made by BT factory(better factory), and the highest quality one is only made by BT factory. In one of my previous posts at https://www.wristwatchspot.com/2022/05/14/bt-factory-panda-daytona-review/, I said that Panda Daytona from BT is not as good as Clean V2’s, that’s true, but for this gray Daytona, the best and only option is BT.
Now in BT Daytona collection, you can see a lot of models, stainless steel ones, rose gold ones and yellow gold ones. In my opinion, BT has the most complete collection of 1:1 exact Daytona replica watches. However, the price from BT is also very high, and some people said that the quality control of BT must be improved. BT Daytona is good, but I do not know why they sell it at such a high price, perhaps BT think that their Daytona is the best in the market, many trusted dealers in the forums are also advertising Daytona from BT to convince customers the best must from BT, and currently they only have one competitor Clean, which does not release Daytona new models and improve their Daytona, so I think that’s the main reason to explain that BT can sell their Daytona at a high price. However, the Daytona from BT is not perfect, including this gray Daytona, sometimes I do not suggest you buy from BT especially they release a new model, their quality still needs to be tested. And I think BT will reduce the price of their Daytona when Clean makes more and pays more attention to improve the quality.