Panda Daytona, whose reference is 116500, is a very popular replica watch in our market, many watch factories are making the replica of this Daytona, in the past, there were Noob and ARF, but these two factories have been closed for some time. Now, there are mainly four watch factories making the replica Rolex Panda Daytona, they are Clean, TWF, ZZF and BT. Yes, you are very familiar with the other three factories except BT, this is a new watch manufacturer, also named as Better Factory, I just heard that BT(Better Factory) is just a sub-branch of 3K factory, which produces top quality replicas of Patek Philippe Nautilus and Aquanaut. Now, I know the reason why it takes so long to order replica Patek Philippe Nautilus from 3K, because their focus of work has been shifted to the production of Daytona.

BT factory has produced Panda Daytona since March in this year, I didn’t pay too much attention to this factory at that time, I just noticed that they sold the Daytona at a much higher price than Clean. In May, many people here talked about Daytona from BT, and there was an interesting thing happened, that is Clean published the V2 edition of Panda Daytona and raised the price, so, BT factory caught my attention successfully this time. I found many reviews online saying that BT factory’s Daytona is the best, is that so? I compared the Panda Daytona between BT and Clean, and get the following points.
- The best replica Rolex Panda Daytona must be from the two factories, BT or Clean, that’s the truth.
- The Panda Daytona from BT or Clean is much better than previous Noob Daytona.
- BT has a thinner case, which is about 12.2mm. Clean’s case is about 12.4mm. Actually genuine watch’s case thickness is around 12.2mm to 12.4mm, so I can say both BT and Clean have correct thickness.
- On V2 edition, Clean has a better ceramic bezel than BT.
- Do not say that BT has a more accurate dial color, that’s not true. Actually the dial color on both BT and Clean is correct, because genuine watch also has slight dial color difference on different batches, and the dial color on BT Panda Daytona is just more common.
- Both BT and Clean use 904L stainless steel on case and bracelet. The case and bracelet have the same finish, much better than that on previous Noob Daytona.
- Same movement inside, which is Super Clone 4130.

After comparison, I still suggest you buy the Panda Daytona from Clean factory, be sure to let your dealer to choose the latest V2 edition, because the latest V2 has many places upgraded. BT Daytona is also good, but still needs time to test. However, with the competition between BT and Clean, I think there will be higher quality Daytona replicas in future.

At last, I want to share some pictures of the latest two tone yellow gold Daytona watches BT factory just published.

6 replies on “BT Factory Panda Daytona Review”
do you propose the replica daytona 116515LN everose with rubber band in 1:1 original ? please send pictures and price
Hi I’m interested in the two tone Daytona and the panda Daytona please can you advice and send pics , can you tell me bout the gold will it fade is it robust?
We’re I can buy this watch ???
Could you please provide me with prices of Panda Daytona from
Clean Factory – V2 Edition price please
I am from Melbourne Australia and would like to know how long it will take and also shipping costs
Thank you
Wie ist die Qualität der goldfarben….nutzt sich das Gold schnell ab durch Reibung.
Danke und grüße
No, it won’t.