GM is a very famous watch manufacturer in our market, they has made a lot of high quality replicas, most of them are Rolex. You guys must have heard of GM and know it is a good factory, but you probably seldom buy watches from them. Why? GM seems to rarely promote their watches, this will make many customers ignore GM when they are selecting a good source. Many watch factories like Clean, VS and BT usually promoted their new models on a grand scale, so they have made a good first impression among consumers, with a big effort in promotion to convince customers that their watches are the best. So, I think this is the biggest reason why many people will ignore GM when choosing a good Rolex. Actually the Rolex from GM is also as good as other watch manufacturers like Clean and VS.
When people asked me about Datejust, one of the sources I recommended to them is GM factory, for Datejust in 36mm and 41mm, GM has a lot of choices, which are more than the ones supplied by VS and Clean. I admit that VS and Clean make good quality Datejust replicas, even the best for some models, but the quality from GM is also very good, and you do not need to wait for a long time to get your watch, while now ordering a Datejust from VS may take several weeks, this can not be accepted for a lot of clients. More, VS and Clean do not make full gold Datejust.
For golden Datejust, there are two tone and full gold, GM has a big advantage for both such styles because they can offer wrapped gold versions for golden Datejust. What is wrapped gold? I have no idea about this term and know little about this. I guess it is just the increase of gold thickness on the watch, and make sure any necessary golden parts on the watch to be wrapped with gold. In the past, CR is a very good source to get high quality golden Rolex, but now this factory has been closed for a while, GM is the only manufacturer in our market offers the wrapped gold Datejust.
By the way, GM is also the best source to get the highest quality replica Rolex Day-Date, also the only good source. Recently, there are more and more emails asking me about Day-Date Rolex, whether for stainless steel or golden models, GM makes the best Day-Date, unfortunately they do not have wrapped gold version of Day-Date.
Any way, do not look down on any watch manufacturer in the market, they must have one or two advantages that make them successful in the industry.
The following are pictures of Rolex Explorer made by GM factory, it is the best V4 edition.

One reply on “About GM Factory”
Many lovely products. But how to buy them? I cannot find a place to order.
Thank you