I like this watch, it is the most beautiful Rolex Day-Date replica watch I have ever seen. In the past, several watch factories made replicas of Rolex Day-Date, including Noob, but none of them made good replicas of Day-Date, now Noob is closed, in our market, currently only two factories are making replica Rolex Day-Date, one is EW, the other is GM. EW factory has never made super clone watches, the replica watches they made are only middle quality, I thought EW will bring us top quality Daytona replicas, but I am wrong, they can not compete with Clean and Better Factory, the Day-Date from EW also can not meet the expectation of people who only want super clones. So, if you want the best Day-Date Rolex replica watches in 40mm, I only recommend GM factory, now the latest version has come to V2, I am really happy that GM has defeated all competitors and now becomes the only one manufacturer who makes the best Day-Date.
On the V2 edition, GM made some obvious improvements, first, the weight of the whole watch is heavier than before, look at this rose gold model, its weight is over 166 grams, the watch absolutely uses better stainless steel material, it has a large possibility to use the real 904L stainless steel. Second, the finish on the case and bracelet is much better than V1, every edge or corner of the case is polished smoothly, so is the bracelet, you can feel it is much more comfortable when wearing on your hand. Third, it is about the golden Day-Date model, the gold coating is thicker than that on V1, the gold coating is not real 18K, every golden replica watch, whether it is super clone or cheap replica, they all not use real 18K gold, but on this V2 rose gold Day-Date, GM has increased the gold thickness, and every link of the bracelet is plated with rose gold carefully. GM must have learned the experience of making golden watches from CR factory, so they can make such good quality replica Rolex Day-Date this time.
This is probably the Rolex Day-Date I like most, I just bought it, and I also want to buy another one for my father for the new year gift, the green dial perfectly in line with the rose gold tone, GM factory has a large collection of beautiful Day-Date replicas like this one, every trusted dealer in the forums must also recommend GM factory if you want a Day-Date, the price is not cheap. The dial features golden Rome hour markers in three-dimensional, the green color highlights the entire watch. On the green dial, the window at 3 o’clock shows current date with a correct magnifier. The arched window at 12 o’clock displays week, just in the middle of the window, both date and week can be adjusted through the crown, they will jump automatically each day. By the way, the inner bezel also called rehaut is also completed very well, with correct engravings.
For the first Rolex replica watch, most people will consider to buy a Submariner, you can see many people wearing it in the street, why not try something new and fresh, this rose gold Day-Date with green face looks nice, it is a super clone.