ZF is a big factory if you read my blog and know several watch factories in our market, but people still have little knowledge about these factories, some do not know certain factories only make replica watches of certain brands, for example, GM factory only makes Rolex replicas, EW factory also only makes Rolex replica watches, but there are several factories that are really big, and they make replica watches that cover a lot of brands, ZF is such a big factory, so is VS factory. In the past, Noob and JF also belong to such type of big factories, but unfortunately Noob and JF have been closed for a long time. Some people still asked me about Noob Submariner and Noob Daytona, they do not believe that this factory has been closed and no longer in this business, they will be easily cheated by some other watch dealers.
I always recommend big factories, they should be your first choices, are these replica watches made by big factories really better? My answer is yes, they are really much better, if you have compared the same model between a big factory and a no-famous watch manufacturer, you will know the difference in quality, it is very obvious, the replica watches from big famous factories usually called super clones, in my articles of top selling replica watches, there are all super clones, they are the best in our market. However, super clones have one shortcoming, that’s their high prices, many people do not want to spend such a high price on a replica, even it is a super clone, it is not perfect, like this Royal Oak 15510 from Z factory, it is not a perfect replica watch, I think many people do not think it is worth to buy a replica watch at over 500 USD or 600 USD.
This Royal Oak 15510 replica is a super clone? I do not think so, its quality is very close to a super clone, but it is not, even made by ZF. I do not know why ZF is so rush to publish this 50th anniversary Royal Oak 15510 replica, they did not complete this replica watch in a high quality level, perhaps just want to get ahead of APS factory to publish this replica watch. The same thing has also happened on the ZF 15720 Royal Oak Diver. ZF is selling 15510 at a very high price, it is a good replica, but I do not think you should immediately get it, you can wait, they will lower down the price, I think they will do after APS factory take an action.
ZF will be defeated by APS within one or two years, now first-class finish on case and bracelet is not a secret any more as long as the replica is from a big famous factory, the most important factor that determines the factory’s future is the movement research and development capacity of the factory, in developing and improving movement, APS does a much better job than ZF, so I think APS factory will replace ZF’s position in the market of AP Royal Oak. We know that ZF started to become famous because of the Portuguese 7 Days Power Reserve replica they made, the movement inside this famous replica watch was exactly developed by APS, I was very surprised when I heard this from one of my friends. It can be seen from all aspects that ZF does not have too many advantages, probably the biggest one is their background that lets them still active during each raid.