A lot of people ask me which replica is closest to authentic, I always said there are no perfect replicas in the past, there are many good quality replica watches in our market, made by different famous factories like Clean, VS, ZF, etc., they are very good, super clones, but I can not say they are perfect, if you have to let me pick up a perfect replica, I will choose this Submariner 116610LN made by Clean. Compared to AP 15400, Patek 5711, Daytona Panda and whatever other watches, Clean Submariner 116610LN is the one closest to authentic, closest to perfect. Yes, you may be tired to see Submariner, everyone on the internet has been promoting this watch since the period of Noob factory. Submariner 116610LN is also the replica watch made by the most factories, it is also the replica watch that has been mostly improved, it has been improved by Noob for almost twelve times, now this factory has been closed for several years, but I think Clean made this Submariner 116610LN upon the improvements of Noob version, this sounds normal, many manufacturers share the same watch parts factories. Clean factory has also improved the Submariner several times, the ceramic bezel made by them is the best, bezel markers also solved the difficulty of becoming dark, the movement is a super clone 3135, Dandong 3135, which is considered to be the best 3135 used in Submariner replica watch. No other replica watches are like Submariner 116610LN that has passed so many improvements, today, I do not see any complains on this replica and these factories also stop improving it, so do they also think this replica is very close to genuine now? I think so.

4 replies on “Clean Submariner”
How can I get this watch from the factory directly…
I would like to nbuy direct from you .please let me know , I pay with PayPal . I can send you pictures of what I want to purchase
Where did you acquire the watch you have in the photo?
sono interessato a questo orologio.
è possibile prenderlo direttamente dalla factory o altrimenti come.