Actually I introduced the carbon Rolex Submariner replica watches on my blog before, whether made by DiW factory or VS factory, they are attractive to me, however, it seems like few people bought them. They are good quality timepieces and have unique designs, but people still are more acceptable to these regular models like black or green Submariner. We know the meaning of DiW and know what they do, let’s see the quality of this Pluto Submariner replica watch which VS factory makes.

Before introducing more details of the watch, I want you to know that this replica is actually made with stainless steel, not titanium. I saw on many websites, the sellers said the watch uses real titanium material, that’s not true. VS factory just used special treatment on the case to make it look like titanium. And I am not sure if it uses real 904L stainless steel even the factory claims it does.

The case is measured to be 40mm in diameter and 13mm in thickness, the red bezel uses real ceramic. I have one question about this replica watch, why it is sold much cheaper than the black Submariner 116610LN made by VS? Besides this red ceramic bezel, this DiW Submariner also uses carbon on the dial, and if it is made by VS, the price is supposed to be higher than the 116610LN made by VS factory. Why it is even much lower? I doubt that this DiW Submariner is not made by VS, at least it does not uses real 904L stainless steel material.

The replica is equipped with a clone 3135 automatic movement, on many dealers’ websites, the product title says it is VS3135, many buyers thought that VS3135 is also the best clone 3135 movement like their Dandong 3235, actually the truth is almost all clone 3135 movements used among these super clones have the same quality, the difference is Dandong 3235 movement used in the 41mm Submariner from VS is the best. Not all Rolex replica watches made VS have better details in every watch part than the ones made by other factories.