This is the second new replica watch that really makes me excited in recent months, another exciting news is Gold factory published the Daytona replicas with increased weight. Both make me more excited than hearing the news that VS just publishes another new model. This Tudor replica watch is made by M+ factory, which is not a very popular watch manufacturer but has been in the market for years, M+ factory does not often publish replica watches, the replica IWC Pilot Black Aces they made last time was six months ago, in a word, we hear very little about this factory, but sometimes the replica watch from M+ is really amazing.
Like this Tudor Pelagos replica watch, it is very beautiful, perhaps the most attractive watch in this year. When people want a diver’s watch, perhaps few of them will consider a replica Tudor Pelagos, but this one from M+ has a very impressive design and super lume, price is also not high, it should be within your consideration.
In my memory, there were good replicas of Tudor Pelagos made by ZF and XF before, but now it is very hard to get one from XF, and the Pelagos from ZF is usually out of stock, I hope ZF can make this Tudor Pelagos FXD Navy Blue replica watch, but the result may not be better than the this one from M+, and ZF will absolutely sell it at a much higher price. So, let’s choose this Tudor titanium watch from M+, til now, I have not found flaws on this replica watch.
The case of the replica is made with titanium, it is measured to be 42mm in diameter, the entire watch has a light weight because of its titanium material and nylon band. The bezel is bi-directional rotating, and you will have a good feel when rotating it, the clicking is not too smooth or no sudden stop, the clicking sound is crisp but not too noisy. The straps bars are not removable but being fixed on the case, which is more convenient for the wearer to change the straps. And on the solid case back, there are correct engravings just like the genuine watch.
The lume on the dial and bezel is strong, even stronger than that of the genuine watch, but not as long lasting as the genuine. A lot of homage watches made in China also have a lumed bezel, I think they copy the design of Tudor Pelagos. M+ factory offers two band for the watch, one is the navy blue nylon band, the other is a blue rubber strap, both look very nice on the watch.