The middle of the month has just passed, there are no big news coming from the market, actually no news is a big good news for our watch fans because some factories had problems after March 15th every year. Unfortunately I learned that GF still could not offer watches for us, currently we can not order good Breitling watches from them. After that special day, some factories are constantly publishing new watches.
First, it is C+, which published two Submariner watches with increased weight, each has a weight of over 170 grams. Two golden Submariner, one has a black dial, the other has a blue dial. C+ factory now has gotten a lot of customers by just selling good quality Rolex, they have their own methods, I do not think their Rolexs are not as good as Clean’s. On all good quality replica Rolex watches, whether made by Clean, VS or C+, they do not have difference on case finish and bracelet finish, but the dial indeed has tiny difference between each factory, Clean Rolex is the one that I have seen with the best dial finish, but C+ Rolex is also recommended just because of their quick delivery and full stocks.
Second, VS seems like to beat Clean completely although this is impossible, they are going to publish the following new Rolex watches and Omega watches, in recent months from the end of 2023 to March in 2024, VS has published a lot of new models.
At last, I want to tell you that do not order from OM factory, this is the most weird watch factory I have seen, they also have the worst service. Sometimes you need to wait for months if ordering an AP or Omega from them, they have that watch in stock but just do not want to give it to you immediately. They also do not accept return and refund, if you send the watch back for repairing, they usually confiscate the watch and won’t send back to you.