The competition in the field of replica Richard Mille has become more and more fierce, now people only search for super clones, so the famous watch maker KV that made some good quality Richard Mille replicas in the past can not survive in the market, they changed a name, now their new name is KU. However, it is impossible to get a super clone RM from KU. The watch makers that produce the best Richard Mille replicas include ZF, BBR, JB and APS. Perhaps you will also mention Sonic, I admit that Sonic still makes super clones of RM35-01 and RM35-02, but they can not compete with ZF and BBR now, with the same movement, ZF and BBR can sell them at much cheaper prices, you know, in the beginning, Sonic sold those RM replicas at very high prices, now I heard that their RM35-01 and RM35-02 have special prices. For RM35-01, I recommend BBR, RM35-02, I recommend ZF, for the best RM055, I suggest you buy from APS.
For the Richard Mille RM055, KV is the first factory to make it, then BBR and ZF. Currently BBR has the black and white ceramic models, it is said that they will also produce the NTPT models later in this year, both APS and ZF make the NTPT models, but their prices are a bit higher than that of BBR. Z Factory makes NTPT models and ceramic models, APS now only has the NTPT models. The pictures below are one of the RM055 from APS Factory, they made one improvement on the super clone RMUL2 movement, compare the movement between APS and ZF, you can notice the difference changed on the left corner. The super clone RMUL2 is used by BBR, ZF and APS.