Most people who are seeking for replica watches must know these replica watch forums, they are repgeek, rwg, replica-watch, and others in different foreign languages. These forums have been there for more than ten years, a lot of people are talking replica watches there every day, if you have a newbie in this area and want to buy your first replica watch, you can learn a lot from these sites. But having been there for a long time, I already know what these people are behind the forums, they are a group of persons who are selfish, greedy and dishonest.
Many of you guys must know PureTime, it is a famous website selling replica watches online, also the biggest replica watch dealer online, some people even said that PureTime is the website which Noob factory created to sell their watches, and some people also said that these replica watch forums are created by PureTime, they are the founder of these forums, I trusted. When the forums were founded several years ago, PureTime is the first Trusted Dealer, in order to promote the watches from their so-called Noob factory, they need more Trusted Dealers in so that their Noob watches can be promoted to the world, actually they did it.
So, behind these forums, it is a huge sales team of PureTime, all other TDs just help them to promote watches. So, you rarely saw negative reviews about PureTime, because these forums are originally their own sales tools. Once somebody opened a thread to talk bad things on Noob watches, a lot of watch “experts” will suddenly appeared and blamed his wrong operations to the watch. They do not allow others’ criticism to Noob factory, because this is their territory.
Replica watches industry has developed very fast in recent years, but a replica watch is far from the manufacturing level of its genuine watch, but there are always people saying that some replica watches like Noob Rolexs have been made so perfect and no one can tell the difference, if you have bought one from Noob before, you will not agree with this point. Even some replica watches are very good, but they still can not compare with genuine. Some people wrote comparison reviews to prove how perfect the replica watch is, but you should not be misguided by these reviews. Most of these reviews were written by sales person of Trusted Dealers, the main purpose of writting these reviews is to promote the new arrivals.
Behind each Trusted Dealer on these forums, there is a big sales team, every person in this team is active in these forums and promotes new watches. So, actually most members from these forums are Chinese. I have sent one private message to their administrators because I wanted to know how to become a Trusted Dealer, but they said they do not accept new Trusted Dealer currently. So, I thought there must one certain rules. Having been in these forums for several years, I know what type of websites they can accept as Trusted Dealers, you must negotiate with the boss behind the forums, the boss, I think, is Noob. So, before becoming a Trusted Dealer, you need to buy a certain stocks from Noob, which means you need to become a wholesale distributor of Noob factory first.
I can not reveal more about these replica watches forums now, they already know because I talked too many bad things about them. I wrote this article just to let you know these Trusted Dealers are not so trustworthy.