Before introducing this new replica watch made by BB factory, I would like to answer one question which some of you guys always asked, that is which factory makes the best Submariner. For 40mm Submariner, especially the green hulk, I recommend Clean. But for the 41mm Submariner, I recommend VS because it uses Dandong 3235. That’s a very simple rule to follow. However, for a super clone that is produced by two or three factories at the same time, I think their quality is very close, or each factory has their own advantages, one can not completely beat the other.
Now, back to this Hublot Big Bang, it has another name Square Bang because of its square shape. It seems like I have introduced this watch on my blog before, I forgot which factory, perhaps HB made it before. For this replica watch in square shape, I do not suggest you wear it when washing your hands or swimming. The case structure of the replica looks a bit complicated because it has several pieces of metal, they are formed into this case, absolutely will have a little difference when being compared with the gen, so this will affect the water resistance. Besides, the case back is locked by screws, not screw-down.
The case is made with titanium, it is measured to be 42mm in diameter, not very big in size, but the watch will look very large on your wrist, people with thin wrist should not try this replica watch. The replica also thick, which is up to 16mm in case thickness, it seems like all replica watches with the 7750 chronograph movement have a thick case, except the Dandong 4130 installed by the Daytona, this is a different chronograph movement, because it is completely copied from Rolex 4130.
The dial is skeleton, it shows the beauty of a mechanical watch completely, while such dial is also very hard to be copied because of its displayed structure that shows each machine part outside. This replica watch has a working chronograph, the small second hand is on the subdial at 9 o’clock, while the small dial at 3 o’clock is for 60-minute chrono display. When you operate the crown to adjust the date, you can also see the rotating date wheel on the dial.
The case back is see-through crystal and shows the engine inside that has a decorated auto rotor, there is obviously an extra plate added on the top of the base movement, you can clearly see that, it has decorations that look like the genuine Hublot movement.
Besides the titanium model, the factory also offers rose gold option for this watch, by the way, I think a leather band will be a better fit for this Square Bang, while this rubber band fits good on previous Big Bang watches.