Richard Mille has been very hot in recent years, even in the replica watch field, more factories now participate in the production of replicas Richard Mille, in the past, only KV made some Richard Mille replicas and the quality is not too good, but now, more factories are willing to spend more money in manufacturing super clone Richard Mille with much better quality, like ZF, APS and BBR, they are competing against each other to fight for the market share, especially APS, they act very fast. And in the market, there are also other workrooms that are doing big contribution to the development of replicas Richard Mille, they are not factories but opened by individuals, they can make better quality Richard Mille replicas than those factories, and for some Richard Mille new models, these workrooms are the first to publish the super clones, much faster than those factories. This phenomenon reminds me of the studies and researches made on the Panerai PAM 111, PAM 005 and PAM 127 more than ten years ago.
Both APS and ZF have made the RM055, but they do not have this grey ceramic model, Z Factory just announced that they will produce this grey one, but we still need to wait. This RM055 grey ceramic watch is not made by APS or ZF, it is a high-end custom-made one with all details 1:1 cloned from the original watch, and then being equipped with a vaucher movement. I have no idea about the vaucher movement, is it a real Swiss movement or still a Chinese copied movement? I saw many reviewers said the Richard Mille with vaucher movement is the best copy in this industry. The whole watch has a weight of 74 grams. Both APS and ZF are using the clone RMUL2 movement in the RM055. Is vaucher movement a really better movement than the clone RMUL2? This grey RM055 really looks nice. But its price is also very high. Any way, you can consider to buy the ZF version later, after all, ZF has improved the movement frame finish on the dial, the clone RMUL2 also looks very authentic. There are a large amount of watch fans buying such type of custom-made high-end replica Richard Mille watches, if the movement does not have issues in future, they are worth trying.