More and more people are interested in the replica watch of Rolex Daytona Le Mans, two models available, one stainless steel, the other is golden, both are beautiful, actually both have super clones in our market. Currently Clean factory does not make any Daytona replicas with see-through back, and it seems like they do not have a plan to make one, although as far as I know some people are expecting this, or they heard a rumor from someone else that Clean is going to make, but Clean has not released new models for a long time, perhaps they are afraid, the situation in the market is not good, the last raid still continue, but VS factory is still publishing new replicas from time to time.
This golden Le Mans Daytona replica Rolex watch, I do not know if APS makes it because APS factory has the stainless steel one. If you want the best Daytona replica with a see-through back, now I only recommend Q Factory, besides this golden Le Mans Daytona, they also have the ice blue model with crystal back. For this golden Daytona, Q Factory has two versions, one with a regular weight, the other has an gain weight, whose price is also much higher. Both versions are equipped with Shanghai 4132 movement, which is modified on the basis of Shanghai 4131, on the plate of the movement, you can clearly see the engraving of “4132”.