Before introducing this replica watch, I want you to know one thing in our market, that is EW factory is closed and it seems like they will not be back in a short period, this is a big loss for you guys, because EW factory always provided good quality replica Rolex watches at affordable prices in the past, their famous Oyster Perpetual Rolex with tiffany dial color is even more popular than the one made by VS and Clean, now, they are gone, hope EW can solve things correctly and back to us immediately.
The hottest news in recent days is all about the Daytona 126500, BT and VS published the Daytona 126500 with Dandong 4131 movement one after the other, one month ago, BT sold their Daytona replicas at special prices, I thought they will stop the production of Daytona, but I was wrong, now they are producing the new 126500 Daytona replicas and just published the black and white one.
About the replicas of the new Daytona 126500, currently a lot of factories make, including AR+, QF, ZF, Clean, BT and VS, AR+ is the earliest factory that makes the replica 126500 Daytona, I do not know why people do not buy Rolex from AR+, they are not popular. Among those watch makers, if you want to buy the best 126500 Daytona replica, just go with these three factories, they are Clean, BT and VS.
About the movement inside the BT Daytona, it is Dandong 4131, which is the same as the one used by VS Daytona, some people said this Dandong 4131 movement is only used by VS factory, that’s not true, by the way, this Dandong 4131 is not as good as the Dandong 4130 used in the Daytona 116500. For the purchase of new Daytona 126500 replica, my advice is waiting, do not buy from VS, if you need one, Clean is the first choice, then BT.