A lot of people ask me which replica is closest to authentic, I always said there are no perfect replicas in the past, there are many good quality replica watches in our market, made by different famous factories like Clean, VS, ZF, etc., they are very good, super clones, but I can not say they are perfect, if you have to let me pick up a perfect replica, I will choose this Submariner 116610LN made by Clean. Compared to AP 15400, Patek 5711, Daytona Panda and whatever other watches, Clean Submariner 116610LN is the one closest to authentic, closest to perfect. Yes, you may be tired to see Submariner, everyone on the internet has been promoting this watch since the period of Noob factory. Submariner 116610LN is also the replica watch made by the most factories, it is also the replica watch that has been mostly improved, it has been improved by Noob for almost twelve times, now this factory has been closed for several years, but I think Clean made this Submariner 116610LN upon the improvements of Noob version, this sounds normal, many manufacturers share the same watch parts factories. Clean factory has also improved the Submariner several times, the ceramic bezel made by them is the best, bezel markers also solved the difficulty of becoming dark, the movement is a super clone 3135, Dandong 3135, which is considered to be the best 3135 used in Submariner replica watch. No other replica watches are like Submariner 116610LN that has passed so many improvements, today, I do not see any complains on this replica and these factories also stop improving it, so do they also think this replica is very close to genuine now? I think so.
Now, Clean factory’s products have become famous all over the world, everyone who wants to buy the best replica Rolex knows Clean, some readers of my blog even found Rolex watches they like and asked me if Clean make them, that’s crazy. Clean’s Rolex represents the highest quality, but they do not make every Rolex watch, and currently they also do not make replicas of other Swiss brands. In this article, I will summarize all Rolex watches made by Clean factory.
V12 Submariner now available, it was unveiled by Noob factory several days ago, in the beginning of March. For V12 Submariner in 40mm, both 116610LN and 116610LV available, but only with SA3135 movement, this time Noob did not publish the version with A2836 movement.
Like I said before, now too many watch factories are making the replica of 40mm Submariner, so a lot of people do not know how to pick up the best one, after the launch of the Noob V12, I must say there is already a very positive answer for this question, just buy from Noob V12 if you want a replica of 116610LN. For the green Submariner 116610LV, I am not sure which factory you should choose from, maybe ZZF is still the first choice.
What improvement has been made on this V12? Some distributors of Noob factory said that the case inner construction has been upgraded, maybe the bezel is updated, for the entire case, I only see that the bezel has a bit complicated structure. Second, the balance wheel of movement is also upgraded. I am not sure how close it is when compared Noob SA3135 with genuine Rolex 3135, but I still believe that VS factory has a better 3135 movement than Noob, maybe the biggest advantage of Noob Submariner lies in its dial details, I always think that Noob Submariner has a great dial finish after all they have improved more than ten times.
About the price of V12 Submariner, although Noob reduced the price of their Submariner before, but it is still a bit expensive than that of VSF, but already much cheaper than before. With the latest V12 version, I do not know if Noob can beat VSF, but in order to regain the lost Submariner market share that was taken over by ZZF and VSF in past two years, Noob still has a lot of work to do.
Now there are too many Submariner replicas in our market, people who want to buy one must be confused because they do not know which one is the best. The one with the highest price is probably not the best, I thought Noob makes the best Submariner replica in the past, but now I do not think so because someone in this industry told me that every factory has their own advantages, I also think so. Even the latest V11 edition of Submariner from Noob is not perfect. Several days ago, VS, which is a big watch factory in our market, unveiled their Submariner with 3135 movement, actually I already told you this news in one of my previous posts. Now, how about the quality of this Submariner?
It is good, several clients bought and are satisfied, they said the finish on case and bracelet are good, the dial is also as good as Noob Submariner. You know, I always thought that Noob Submariner has the most perfect dial details, this is the truth, I got my clients VS 116610LN before and compared it with Noob 116610LN, I did not see too much difference on the dial, actually they are very close.
Compared with Noob V11 Submariner, the new 116610LN replica from VS factory has one strong advantage, that’s the 3135 movement. VS factory declared that their 3135 movement is the best in the market, they also compared their 3135 movement with the 3135 with other factories, the comparison of every part on the movement, I saw the comparison review and found the 3135 movement from VS factory is really good, the decoration on the movement plate is closer to genuine Rolex 3135, however, I do not know the power reserve of this movement, maybe need to wait for the feedback of my clients. By the way, the price of Submariner 116610LN from VS factory is much cheaper than that of Noob. For people who want to buy a good replica Rolex, I only recommend three factories, Noob, VS and AR.
About one month ago, Noob published their V10 edition of replica Rolex Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV, many clents of mine ordered the V10 Submariner 116610LN once it was introduced to the public, and the watch indeed has a very high quality and I have already received lots of good feedback. In Rolex area, Noob and AR are the two main leaders, other factories are not worth mentioning, the two watch manufacturers are also competing with each other, this directly promotes the development of watchmaking technology in fake watch industry, just several days ago, AR factory published their V3 edition of replica Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV. Please check their photos and videos below.
When facing so good quality Submariner replica watches from AR and Noob, some potential buyers are confused and do not know which one to choose, AR Sub or Noob Sub? Once there was a time, I always thought that the Submariner made by Noob is the best, when AR factory published their first replica of Submariner, I started to realize that this is wrong, after being compared, their quality is very close.
About Submariner, the biggest difference between Noob and AR, I think it is Noob offers a 3135 movement option. If you want a replica 116610LN or 116610LV with a 3135 movement, then buy Noob V10. AR only offers a A2824 movement for their V3 Submariner.
However, the V3 Submariner from AR factory has some advantages which Noob V10 can not be compared with, the most important feature is the feeling when you first get it on hand, this is very important, because AR factory uses imported 904L stainless steel material and does a high quality process on the case and bracelet on their V3 Submariner, so it will give you a more authentic feeling when you get a V3 AR Submairner in hand for the first time.
I don’t have to say again how good the finish of case and bracelet on AR Submariner, even Noob has does a good job, but they still can not keep up. Besides, AR also makes the first Submariner in the market that uses the same bezel construction as that of genuine Rolex Submariner. On this V3 Submariner, I think AR made two big improvements.
First, the Rolex Crown on the buckle is carved to be the same size as that of genuine Submariner, it looks more three-dimensional now. Besides, the spacing between it and the notch is correct, very easy to open. It is said that the clicking sound when you open the Rolex Crown is also made to be the same as genuine, this is incredible.
Second, the cyclops is updated to be very clear and with light blue reflection, you can see the “black hole” effect when there is reflection.
Actually there are many other subtle details that have been improved on this V3 Submariner, on the bezel, dial, clasp and every thing. If you have decided to buy a Submariner, please consider the following two from AR factory. By the way, Noob’s after-sale service is very bad, once you return your broken watch to Noob factory, you need to wait for nearly two months for them to fix it. So, after considering watch quality and after-sale service, I recommend V3 Submariner from AR factory.
Now, a lot of factories are making replica Rolex watches, for example, Noob, ARF, GMF, DJ, BP, etc. Their products are absolutely in different quality. So, sometimes it is very confused for us to make a decision, because some beginners do not know which factory to choose from. Here I will write a basic guide on the top five best-selling Rolex replica watches in our market. These Rolexs are also the best quality ones. Hope this guide can help you.
Noob V9 Rolex Submariner 116610LN
Submariner 116610LN is the hottest Rolex watch. Among so many replicas from various factories, the best one I think is from Noob. Now the latest version is V9, and Noob is still making efforts to upgrade it. V9 116610LN could be equipped with a Super Asia 3135 or an Asia ETA 2836. Compared with Asia 3135, the Asia 2836 is more stable. So, here I recommend you to buy Submariner 116610LN V9 with Asia ETA 2836. The watch is fully made of 904L stainless steel.
2. Noob V9 Rolex Submariner 116610LV
Like 116610LN, the latest version of 116610LV made by Noob is also V9. The watch is made of 904L stainless steel, case thickness is 13mm, which is the same as genuine. Green ceramic bezel is updated, bezel markers are filled with platinum. The watch also has Super Asia 3135 and Asia ETA 2836 movement options. I recommend the one with Asia ETA 2836.
3. Noob V9 GMT-Master II 116710BLNR
Maybe I should put GMT-Master II 116710BLNR on the first position, because it sells very well, even better than the black Submariner. About this V9 GMT-Master II 116710BLNR from Noob, it does not have an Asia ETA movement option. The movement inside this watch is an Asia 3186, fortunately, the watch has a correct hand stack due to this super 3186 movement. The color transition on the ceramic bezel is so natural. V9 116710BLNR is made of 904L stainless steel.
4. Noob V2 Daytona 116500
V2 is the latest version, Noob just published it in the beginning of March, 2019. If you need it, please pre-order. 116500 has black and white choices in dial. Noob V2 Daytona 116500 is made of 904L stainless steel on case and bracelet, the most important is the watch is equipped with a Super Clone 4130, which is the first cloned 4130 in our market, the movement can achieve a full chronograph function. If you are interested in this watch and need more details of it, please contact me.
5. Vintage Rolex Daytona Paul Newman
Many people think that this watch should not be in this top five list. However, the vintage Daytona Paul Newman is indeed the best seller on my blog. I introduced this watch several years ago, and many clients have ordered it from me within these years. The Paul Newman Daytona has a lot of options in dial color, it also has white stainless steel and yellow golden choices. The watch is equipped with a Venus 75 movement, which is manual winding and can achieve a full chronograph function. The following are some actual photos I took for several Daytona Paul Newman watches. They are all available.
Now it is nearly the end of 2018, I think it is time to make a summary of this year. I know what you are really care about when buying a replica watch, you guys all want your replica to look closest to the genuine, so, today, I will publish an article about the top ten best-selling replica watches in 2018, they are also the best replica watches made in our market. This article will also be an ultimate guide for you to find the replica watch that looks closest to genuine. Let’s begin.
1 – Noob V9 Edition Rolex Submariner 116610LN
Rolex is the best-selling watch around the world, it is also the truth in replica watch field. Noob factory published V9 edition in 2018, which means this is the ninth time Noob has made improvement on this Submariner watch. Now V9 Submariner 1166710LN is made of genuine 904L stainless steel in case and bracelet, the bezel engravings are closer to genuine in color and thickness, V9 Submariner 116610LN has two movement options, Asia ETA 2836 and Super Clone 3135. V9 Rolex Submariner 116610LN from Noob ranks first in this top ten list.
2 – JF V4 Edition Royal Oak 15400
Audemars Piguet is a famous sports watch brand from Switzerland. Royal Oak is their iconic series and is well-known among watch fans due to its octagon-shaped bezel. Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15400 is the second best seller, it is the V4 edition from JF. 15400 not only has a top quality case finish, but it is also equipped with a super clone 3120 movement that looks closest to genuine AP Cal. 3120. The JF V4 Royal Oak 15400 has three dial color options, black, white and blue.
3 – JF V9.5 Edition ROO Diver 15703
Royal Oak Offshore Diver 15703 ranks third. It is also made by JF, the newest V9.5 edition published in 2018. The watch is equipped with an Asia ETA 2824 automatic movement and one pair of rubber straps. JF makes the best AP replicas, you do not need to worry about the quality, it is superior and much higher than AP made by other factories.
4 – Noob V8 Edition GMT-Master II 116710BLNR Black/Blue
GMT-Master II 116710BLNR is always a hot watch. Now the replica has come to be V8 edition, made by Noob factory. Black and blue ceramic bezel makes it stand out among other Rolex GMT-Master II models. Now V8 uses an Asia ETA 2836 movement, which is very accurate and stable. GMT function also works the same way as genuine. In 2019, I think Noob will make an important improvement on it, they will use 904L stainless steel material on this watch at least. Let’s expect.
5 – ARF V2 Edition Sea-Dweller 126600 Single Red
Sea-Dewller Single Red 126600 was published by Rolex in 2017 Basel, so it is a new face in our market. It was called “Single Red” because the SEW-DWELLER printing is in red on the black dial. There are several factories manufacturing the replicas of this Rolex Sea-Dweller 126600, BP, AR, GM and Noob. Among them, AR makes the best replica Single Red 126600, Noob also makes it, but it does not use 904L stainless steel like AR factory. BP version has the price advantage but it only makes mid-quality Rolex replicas. While GM is a new watch manufacturer, it does not have too much replicating experience. So, if you want a 126600 replica, just choose from ARF. Besides, this is the V2 edition they published, every detail has been upgraded.
6 – Noob V6 Edition Planet Ocean 42mm Liquidmetal
Noob made this replica several years ago, it was very hot once being published. But the watch often does not have stocks, you need to wait for a long time after placing your order. Now the newest edtion comes to V6. It has several things improved. The dial now uses ceramic material, liquidmetal bezel like original, date font is corrected to be the same as genuine. The case back has high quality engravings now. The replica Planet Ocean now is equipped with an Asia ETA 2892, like the mostly used ETA 2824, this movement also has a high stability.
7 – Noob Daytona 116500
What watch will come in the seventh? Yes, it is another Rolex watch, the Daytona 116500. A lot of factories has made this watch, but Noob makes the best one. Among so many replicas, I will choose this one from Noob, not only because this factory has the richest experience in imitating Rolex, but they use the newest 904L stainless steel on this replica 116500. Three subdials all work, the chronograph is fully functional. I do not recommend you buy this Daytona watch from ARF, because their hour-chronograph hand and minute-chronograph hand are fixed, means the chronograph is not real. In the beginning of 2019, an important step ARF will make is on the chronograph function of their Super Clone Daytona Collection.
8 – ZF Aquanaut 5167
The next three watches are all made by ZF. You think Patek Philippe Nautilus should rank at this position, but I do not agree. The replica PP Aquanaut 5167 made by ZF looks closer to genuine than Nautolus. This watch has several options in dial and strap color. This is a replica with a see-through case back, but ZF has used a Miyota 9015 as a based movement, to decorate the auto rotor and plates, so it has a very close outlook to genuine PP Cal. 324.
9 – ZF Tudor Black Bay Red Bezel
ZF is the overlord in imitating Tudor Black Bay watches. This factory makes the best replica Tudor Black Bay. This one with a metal red bezel is the hottest replica among all Black Bay models. The following is its specification.
Movement: Asia ETA 2824-2 Automatic, 25 Jewels, 28800BPH
Case: 41mm*11mm, Solid 316L Stainless Steel
Bezel: Red Metal Bezel, Uni-directional Rotating Diving Bezel
Crystal: Sapphire, Dome-shaped, with Colorless Double AR Coating
Dial: Black Dial with Superlumed Hour Markers and Hands, Markers and Hands Have Golden Edge
Bracelet: Made of 316L Stainless Steel, Rivet Style
Water Resistant: 50m
10 – ZF Portuguese 7 Days
This watch sells very well, a lot of clients from Australia and Singapore bought this watch from me. ZF made the best IWC Portuguese 7 Days Power Reserve replica watch, first, the power reserve indicator is working, second, the power reserve has reached to be 3 days, although not 7 days like real, but the watch can work for you at least 3 days after being fully wound. It is a perfect dress watch for a lot of men who need to wear for a formal occasion. Portuguese 7 Days Power Reserve has a lot of models, the dial has blue, white and black color options, the case has white stainless steel, yellow gold and rose gold, while the leather band also has several choices in color. The following photos are showing popular model IW500710. It is the latest replica from ZF, with a super clone 52010 movement.
This is my own top ten replica watches in 2018, every one has different opinion, you must also have a different top ten list, if so, please share your top ten watches with us in comment section. Actually, except those watches above, there are a lot of other replica watches that are in high quality and sold well, we can not list all of them here. Now, it is nearly the beginning of 2019, we hope that manufacturers will bring us more amazing replica watches in the coming new year. Thanks for reading my review.
It is nearly the end of year 2016, now it is time for me to sum up the best-selling ten replica watches in 2016. Every one has a different top 10 in their mind, yes, this top 10 list is the best-selling ten watches on my blog at wristwatchspot.com. Here the list includes popular Rolex and Panerai, as well as vintage Daytona Paul Newman. The common feature of these replicas is that they are all made by famous watch factories in our market, there are five Rolex models in this top 10 list because Rolex is the hottest brand both in genuine and replica watch world. Here I will explain why these ten watches are sold so well, I will briefly tell you the biggest selling point of each replica in the following article.
1. Omega Seamaster 007 Spectre
007 Spectre is our best seller, I gave a detailed review at https://www.wristwatchspot.com/2016/01/20/replica-omega-seamaster-300-spectre-james-bond-007-vintage-watch-from-kw-factory/. There were more than 20 blog readers who saw this review asked me how to buy this replica, this blog post is also my mostly read article, many watch fans shown a great interest in this replica watch, I also have contacted with each of you guys who left comments, and I sold about 10 pieces of it each month. Omega 007 Spectre was made by KW factory, also known as V6, it is a big factory specilizes in manufacturing 1:1 Omega and PAM replicas, this Omega Spectre replica actually had a very low repairing rate, few customers who bought this replica returned it to me because of quality problem. The biggest selling point that makes Spectre the No. 1 in this top 10 list lies in its accurate Miyota 8215 movemen, and there will be an extra stainless steel bracelet shipped along with the watch for free.
2. Rolex Submariner 116610LN
Black Sub 116610LN Date occupies the second position. At the beginning of 2016, Noob factory published V6S of 116610LN, now the latest version is V7, which was just upgraded with all details ,closest to genuine. The watch is very heavy because it has a similar weight to genuine. Bezel engraving and dial lume are exactly the same. The biggest improvement of V7 is the clasp, it is correct polishing rather than sand finish. This replica also has a version with super clone 3135 movement, but I think 2836 is enough because it is accurate and stable.
3. Rolex Daytona Paul Newman Vintage
At the beginning of writing this blog, vintage watch is the main theme, I had always been searching for the best vintage Rolex and Panerai replicas to share reviews of them with you guys. The following Daytona Paul Newman 6241 is the best-selling one among all vintage watches reviewed on my blog. The main dial is in cream white color, the movement inside is manual winding, do not wind it too tight each time.
4. PAM 438 Ceramica
The fourth one is Panerai PAM 438. There are V6, Z and S factories manufacturing PAM 438 replica, absolutely the best one is made by V6 factory, its version also comes to V4. This replica uses a full metallic black ceramic material, other cheap replica PAM 438 uses black DLC not genuine ceramic. The movement is a clone P.9001 that is modified from Shanghai 7750. The front and back crystal all use anti-scratch sapphire with colorless anti-reflective coating. The GMT function is working, just the same as genuine PAM 438.
5. Rolex Daytona SS
There are Noob, BP and J12 factories manufacturing this replica Daytona, but the best one I think is made by Noob factory, that is the one in the following. The dial is black with red hands, the replica runs a small second hand on the subdial at 6, chronograph is fully working, big red hand on the centre is very obvious. From Noob, I recommend the Daytona to you, but the same watch from J12 is also very good, even I think J12 does a better polishing on case and bracelet.
6. Hublot Big Bang
Hublot is selling well all over the world and their replicas are also the hottest models. The following Hubot Big Bang replica uses the best movement, which is a clone HUB4100, the auto rotor and movement plates are modified to the outlook of genuine HUB4100. Black ceramic used on the bezel is the second selling point of this replica. There are woven patterns on black dial, small second hand is applied white luminescence and runs on subdial at 9. All hour markers are in 3D silver tone. The black rubber strap is soft but durable, it does not have a bad smell. A lot of people asked me the price of this Hublot but they finally turned to other replicas because the price for HUB4100 replica is a little expensive, because it is more cost-efficient to spend $438 usd on a super replica Rolex rather than a HUBLOT.
Like Black Sub 116610LN, this DEEPSEA D-Blue 116660 is made by Noob factory and now its version comes to V7, replicas always need to be improved because our customers have always been looking for the perfect ones. So, maybe there will be V8, V9 or even V10 of 116660 in 2017. However, the following one is really great, the gradual blue-to-black dial symbolizes the eternal pursuit of Rolex to deep sea. The crown is screw-in and could be tightly locked, Titanium case back also has the same locking system as genuine, so this replica has a good water resistance, which is nearly 100 meters that have been tested in factory. For people who pursue perfection, there is also a genuine ETA 2836 movement option for this replica. I sold two pieces of DEEPSEA D-Blue watch in this month, they were bought by one my Lithuanian client.
8. IWC Big Pilot IW500908
The eighth watch is famous IWC Big Pilot Le Petit Prince. It has several models because of different dial color, but the most attractive one is this blue dial version. 7-day power reserve is real because it uses a Sea-Gull automatic movement with real power reserve feature. Blue dial is very charming. The big crown is very easy for you to operate. The case diameter is up to 46mm, so the big dial looks very comfortable, it is not like other watches with a complicated dial that features all details in a compact way, the dial of Big Pilot Le Petit Prince is big, large hour markers and slender hands are very convenient for you to read the time.
9. Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711
Patek Philippe Nautilus is also the watch which factory has always been focusing on improvement. Now it is the V4 version of this Nautilus 5711. The replica uses 316L stainless steel that is directly imported from Germany. The case diameter is 40mm, not very big and just a good size for all men’s wrist. The movement is Clone Cal. 324, which is modified on basis of Miyota 9015, that’s the best selling point of this replica. Because I think this Japanese movement is more accurate and stable than other clone movements.
10. Rolex YachtMaster II 116680
The most beautiful YachtMaster II in my opinion, a lot of clients bought it only because of its fresh blue color on bezel and dial. Nowadays, the design of new YachtMaster II has taken too much consideration of material and movement technology, so I think Rolex forgot to keep the original outlook design of YachtMaster II. In my memory, the blue color is the only thing that makes me remember this watch is a YachtMaster II. Because of movement difference, the red triangle hand on the centre is not working, however, the replica watch features a fully working chronograph.