During this raid, the sale of Audemars Piguet replicas is not affected, whether the basic AP models like 15400 or 15500, or complicated Royal Oak Offshore Chronograph, you can always get the best replica, because ZF and J12 factory can offer you the best AP replicas all the time. Now, Tokyo Olympics just started, any player you are supporting for? Or any sport you like? I like to watch men’s basketball games, or swimming, two of them are my most favorites, hope our country can get the most gold medals.

Like I said before, J12, or JF, they make the best Audemars Piguet replica watches, whether 15400, 15500 or Royal Oak Chrono, J12 makes them all, and the quality is very good, especially on these stainless steel models, the finish on case and bracelet is perfect, I do not think the finish of any other watch factories can compare with that of J12, in the end of 2020, even ZZ factory started to use the bracelet finish of J12 on their latest V3 Submariner.

This Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore replica watch is made with white ceramic, with a white rubber band, the watch still looks very big because of its 44mm diameter and 16mm case thickness. I do not know if any of you guys like this ceramic AP, it looks weired because of its cream white ceramic case and bezel, for me, this watch lacks of somewhat masculinity, I do not like this style, for me, full stainless steel or forged carbon is the DNA of Audemars Piguet.

Look at the dial, it is white with three subdials in blue color. Each small dial has correct position and has their own function like genuine watch. The top one at 12 o’clock is small seconds, the left one at 9 o’clock has a red hand is for 30-minute chronograph, while the bottom one at 6 o’clock is 12-hour chronograph counter. Each subdial has a layered design. Through the two ceramice pushers, you can operate the chrnograph function, just like you do on a genuine watch in Audemars Piguet boutique.

The movement you see from transparent crystal back is J12’s iconic clone 3126, this movement has been tested for years and has been proven to be the best clone 3126 movement, in our market, only J12 factory makes clone 3126 movement and installs it in their AP Royal Oak Offshore Chrono, so if you want to buy the best Royal Oak Offshore Chrono replica watch, J12 is the only one choice.