It is not a new Patek Philippe Aquanaut watch, the 5164A was already available long time ago, while GR factory published its first replica in June, 2020. About ten days ago, Z factory, also named ZF, released the replica of this Patek Aquanaut 5164A. Between GR and ZF, which version should you choose, I recommend ZF. Although the latest version from GR is V2, it still can not be compared with ZF, because the latter makes the case thickness correct.

About this replica Patek Aquanaut 5164A replica, I think the biggest difference between ZF and GR lies in the case thickness, the 5164A from GR is 11mm thick in case, while the one from ZF this time is only 8.5mm thick, so compared the two, I would rather to choose from ZF, it is much thinner.

This is a very interesting Patek Philippe watch, under its sports appearance, we can see its multi functions, Aquanaut is a sports model of Patek, while a very practical GMT function is added to this watch, it is very convenient for business use, I think people who like sports watch and usually travel around the world will consider it.

About the functions, too much difference. Genuine watch has a real GMT function, the GMT hand is adjustable, while on this replica, the central GMT hand can not be adjusted, the small square window beside “HOME” and “LOCAL” are more like Day and Night display in two different time zones, on this replica, you can see switching white and blue background in the two windows. I think ZF wanted to make this function correct, but I do not think it is as accurate as genuine watch. By the way, the dial looks more like gray, not pure black. The date display is at 6 o’clock, you can adjust the date by pushing the button at 5 o’clock.

It is a great replica watch with correct timing and date, although with some false operation in functions like GMT and Day/Night display, it is still an acceptable top grade replica watch. By the way, it is cheaper than the basic Aquanaut and Nautilus models. If you are looking for a Patek Philippe replica watch with multi functions, Aquanaut 5164A and Nautilus Moon Phase 5712 will be two good options, the latter is from PPF.