126500 is a new Daytona model published by Rolex in 2023, now in our market, the best-selling replica Rolex Daytona is 116500 made by Clean factory. About replica 126500, only ZF made it, I introduced the replica 126500 from ZF before, and currently I do not suggest you buy this new watch from ZF, because there are too many flaws. Just in this weekend, I got a new replica 126500 from another factory that is called AR+, it is better than the one from ZF.
ZF made a wrong case shape, wrong subdials and installed a Shanghai 4130 movement in 126500, now on this new one from AR+ factory, these details have been corrected.
We know AR factory, it was very popular before, unfortunately it has been closed for years, now in our market, there are new names like ARF and this AR+, they are not the original AR factory we heard before, is there any connection between them? I do not think so. I guess some small team that wants to make money opened a a studio and assembled these watches, use previous AR name for easy sell.
On this new 126500 replica from AR+, the case shape is correct, but the case is still too thick, about 12.3mm, genuine 126500 is about 11.9mm. I checked the watch, the crystal is a little thick that increases the case thickness. There is flaw on the crown, which is the shape of the three small dots. The movement, we can clearly see the engravings from the pictures below, there is “4131”, it is said the movement in the replica comes from Dandong, we call it Dandong 4131, but there is a great noise when I shaking the rotor, Dandong 4130 equipped in replica 116500 does not have that big noise.
For this 126500 replica from AR+, do not put your trigger so quickly, please be patient and wait, this Dandong 4131 still has not been tested.