This is a replica not belonged to any of those watch factories I mentioned before, but this is a top quality replica watch. I introduced many Bell Ross replica watches before, they are all high quality ones and look very attractive, but I never sold one of them, I do not know why. It seems like people do not want to spend several hundreds of dollars on a replica Bell Ross watch.
Actually I like Bell Ross very much, many people do not want it because of its square case, but for me, the design of Bell Ross has a strong military taste. This Bell Ross is from the unique Instruments series, it is BR03-94 R.S.19 special edition, the color combination on its dial attracted me, so I made my decision to give a review about the watch.
The Bell Ross is in size of 42mm*42mm, the case thickness is only 14mm, for a chronograph watch, it is very thin. The black dial is the biggest selling point, it looks like carbon fiber material, I have not confirmed with the factory, but its texture looks like carbon fiber, it is the first time for me to see a carbon fiber dial on Bell Ross watch, before I only found it on Hublot watches. This Bell Ross uses many colors on the dial, black, white, yellow, red and green. Although with so many elements in different colors, they did not affect readability, the two small dials also break traditional design, both are long squares with four rounded corners. The small seconds subdial uses markers and hand in green color, while the 30-minute chronograph counter uses yellow color on its elements. Arabic hour markers are big and applied with white SuperLumed material that forms a high contrast with its black background.
The black rubber band has a lot of holes that make the entire bracelet look unique. These holes on the rubber band look like the carbon fiber texture on the dial, the design is slightly the same, by the way, behind the solid stainless steel case back with engraved information, there is an Asia 7750 chronograph movement, which is the most reliable and cost-efficient chronograph automatic movement used by most replica watches.