There are so many factories that have manufactured this Omega Bumblebee replica watch, at least three as I know. But not all of them can make such better replica like this one below. The watch is a stainless steel Omega Seamaster replica, the reference number of the original watch is There are several things should be considered when choosing a replica watch, including the case polishing,dial font, movement, etc. However, more and more people today prefer to buy these replica watches that are manufactured by some famous factories, like Noob, JF, HBB V6, BP, etc., and these factories are also mroe willing to create high end replicas, they improve the watch quality step by step.
The Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra replica watch is 41.5mm in case diameter, not too large, just perfect fits your wrist. The watch has its own individual number, it is 85005635, this number is unique among those Omega replicas in the market. The bracelet is stainless steel made, the central links are polished while the two sides are brushed, the dial of the replica Omega watch is black and it has vertical stripes, hour markers and hands are all filled with white luminous material, so these elements can emit strong lume in the dark place. On the outer ring of the bezel, there are yellow digital numbers, which echo with the yellow and black second hand.
There are two big selling points on this replica watch I think, one is the arched sapphire crystal has double anti-reflective coating, the crystal glass is scratch resistant and never worn. The second is that the replica watch is equipped with Omega 8508 clone movement, which is modified on the basis of Citizen movement, so its accuracy and stability can be guaranteed.
Overall, this Omega replica watch is good in quality, the full stainless steel model is also very popular among all replica watches.