Audemars Piguet

BBR Factory Replica Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Review

Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 is a complicated watch, it has a lot of functions, in our market, not many factories make the replica of this watch. In the past, only APS factory made this replica watch, the quality is very nice, but the watch has an obvious flaw, which lies in the hand on the center with an arrow tip. On genuine watch, that hand is pointing at current amount of weeks in one year, but on the replica made by APS, that hand works for seconds, it is sweeping across the dial. This time, BBR factory solved this mistake and made all functions correct. I know some people love this replica watch very much, but is it really worth buying from BBR immediately? I do not think so.

AP 26574 is a very complicated watch, even the genuine watch has a high repairing rate because of the movement, so you can not expect the replica just released by BBR can work nicely without any issues. In a word, the replica needs to be tested, if there are few complaints about it, then it will be the time to get one. Currently I still suggest you choose this replica from APS factory even though it has one big flaw on the hand.

I have watched several video reviews about this new replica watch, one or two dealers said the quality control BBR has made on the replica is not good, some tiny issues exist, and to achieve the full functions on the replica, more modifications should have been done on the movement, also means less stability and more issues will happen on the movement in future. Even APS factory did a mistake on the hand, but the functions and movement have already been tested to be stable. Both BBR and APS use Miyota 9015 as a base movement in the replica, the entire watch from BBR is measured to be 11.5mm in thickness, while the replica watch from APS is only 10.5mm thick, which is closer to the thickness of genuine watch.

The functions such as time, date, month, week, moon phase can be easily adjusted, pull out the crown to the second position to adjust the central “week” hand, pull out the crown to the last position, rotate the crown to adjust time and when the hour hand is moving certain rounds, the moon phase indicator, small date hand and small week hand will also move one space. By the way, there are several buttons on the case for quick adjustment to the corresponding function, but do not push them too often. By the way, please do the adjustments on the replica during 6am to 14:00pm, there are a lot of dial colors to choose, check pictures below.

Replica Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Green
Replica Audemars Piguet 26574
Replica Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Crown
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Bracelet
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Movement
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Black
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Blue
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Brown
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Dark Blue
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Grey
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Light Blue
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Rose Gold
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Tiffany Blue
Audemars Piguet Perpetual Calendar 26574 Yellow Gold

APS Factory Replica IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar

Replica IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Watch

This replica watch is a new model just published in our market. Actually it is not “new” because V9 factory made this watch before, but the functions are not correct. APS factory is very brave to take the challenge because it is not easy to make this watch a perfect clone. APS is an very experienced watch factory and is also one of the few factories in our market that have ability to make super clone movements, so they make this IWC Portuguese watch a perfect clone, with right functions, I can not believe all functions can be realized on this replica watch. Not all factories are willing to spend a lot of time on researching and improving the movements, including some big factories like ZF and Clean, but APS factory has done a really good job in researching and developing better movements for replica watches. This IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar, check its face, so many functions displayed on the dial, you can imagine how hard to make a perfect replica of it, only V9 factory made, other factories even did not try, including ZF, which was famous for making top quality IWC Portuguese replicas. There are some needs for the replica of this watch, many readers have asked me about it, I believe the watch made by APS factory will be a good replica, and I think APS will continue to make improvements on it, like they have done so many improvements on their AP watches.

Replica IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Rose Gold
Replica IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Gold Blue
IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar White Dial

The functions you see on the replica are all real. The blue round dial at 12 o’clock is day/night display in two different locations. The subdial at 9 o’clock is week display with a tracking-type small-second subdial inside, both hands are blue, one is pointing at current week, the other is sweeping smoothly as a small-second hand, both hands work independently. The small dial at 6 o’clock is month display, between 7:00 and 8:00, current year is displayed in a square window. At 3 o’clock, the bigger circle displays date, there is a 7-day power reserve indicator inside. The entire dial not only displays you multiple functions, but also looks very classic due to its lancet-shaped hands and blue color. APS factory published four models of this IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar, two in rose gold and two in stainless steel.

IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Case
IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Crown

The see-through crystal back shows the movement that features a skeleton auto rotor and beautiful decoration on the plates, I think APS will continue to improve the movement. Because it is need to achieve so many functions, the movement was installed with extra modules, so the case of the watch is a little thick than regular Portuguese 7 Days model. APS claims that the movement has a 72-hour power reserve, whatever if it is true, when the watch is fully winded, the small hand on the power reserve indicator at 3 o’clock will move on line next to digit “7”. There are some advice on how to adjust the functions of the watch, if you are interested in, please ask me through email.

IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Movement
IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Blue Leather Strap
IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Rose Gold Buckle
Replica IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Blue
Replica IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Brown
Replica IWC Portuguese Perpetual Calendar White