Do you know the difference between genuine Milgauss 116400GV and the replica, if so, do your want to have a full understanding of replica Rolex Milgauss 116400GV? I mean the best edition in the market, then this article will be worth your reading.
I will introduce this replica watch from 9 aspects, including case, crystal, dial, caseback, antimagnetic cover, hands, bracelet, movement and crown, to describe its advantages and disadvantages, as well as some special places. If you are considering to buy this replica watch, you can read this article first.
All watch components are displayed above.
A good replica Rolex must have screw down crown design, triple waterproof gasket and beautiful inner bezel engraving, these three things can be found in this replica Rolex Milgauss 116400GV.
There are things must be told here about the green crystal of replica Milgauss 116400GV. In the past, most factories use a green plastic ring on the edge of the crystal, so you will a little greenish tint when seeing the dial at a certain angle. Now on this replica, it features a layer of thick green anti-reflective coating on crystal and doesn’t use the green plastic ring solution, so this makes the crystal look much greener than the gen. So there is no replica Milgauss 116400GV in the market that has the same greenish crystal as the gen.
The replica has the best case back, whether in polishing or engraving, the replica hs no big difference with gen.
SuperLume dial of Milgauss 116400GV.
The hands also use SuperLume, same lume color as dial. The only replica Rolex Milgauss 116400GV watch whose second hand has no color difference with gen.
Stainless steel bracelet, brighter than 904L steel, perfect 1:1 imitation.
Rolex Logo on Buckle
For such a replica Rolex watch, the Rolex logo on buckle is engraved to be good, but the gen will be much better. It needs a lot of time to engrave such a three-dimensional Rolex logo and the cost of replicas does not allow any manufacturer to spend a large amount of time on such a subtle place.
Brand new ETA 2836-2 movement, the movement is equipped according to the requirement of buyers, it can be installed Asian 2836 movement, or Sea-Gull ST2130.
1:1 replicated crown, it has the same amount of flutes as gen.
Ok, the review of replica Milgauss 116400GV is done, after reading, you must admit that the replica has a better workmanship than those genuine watches sold in same price, but when being compared with genuine Rolex, it still has a large gap.