I rarely introduce Tag Heuer watches on my blog, it seems like Tag Heuer has a low popularity in our replica watch market, except its Aquaracer series, which has some top quality replicas made before. Tag Heuer Carrera is very popular in watch field, especially its chronograph models, which have been famous for years because of high accuracy. Tag Heuer Carrera is usually made for professionals who have a strict requirement in chronograph accuracy, so, in replicating such a watch, the factory will face great difficulties. So, one reason I did not give too much reviews on Tag Heuer is that there are no good replicas of them. Today, when browsing watch catalog in my computer, I found three Tag Heuer Carrera replica watches that are worthy of being praised, they are good quality replicas in rare Tag Heuer Carrera collection, I shouldn’t have forgotten to share them with your. Three watches are made by the same one factory, which is V6, each model has a different dial color, there are black, brown and grey, which one do you prefer?

The replica is equipped with an Asia Valjoux 7750 movement, which features a real chronograph function. The case back is see-through sapphire crystal, all machine parts are working in front of your eyes. This Asia Valjoux 7750 is the chronograph movement that has been used for more than ten years in replica watch industry, so its accuracy and stability have been tested for that long time. Besides, V6 factory also made decoration on the movement plates and auto rotor of Asia Valjoux 7750 to make it look closer to genuine Tag Heuer Cal. 1887.

The replica Tag Heuer Carrera Calibre 1887 has a big case, which is measured to be 43mm in diameter. The case is brushed, lugs have smoothly polished edge and feature an obvious curvature. I like the lugs design of this Tag Heuer Carrera watch, its curvature is more obvious than other brand watches. Black Tachymetre bezel is made of ceramic, the round bezel insert is narrow so the dial looks much larger.

The replica watch has functions of hours, minutes, small seconds, day, date and chronograph, you can see these function from its dial, which is in black, brown or grey. A small seconds hand in black is set on subdial at 9 o’clock. The small dial at 12 o’clock is designed for 30-minute chronograph display, while the silver subdial at 6 o’clock is for 12-hour chronograph. When you push the button at 2 o’clock down, the central long second hand with a red tip will start to move, so the chronograph is started by you. In the silver window at 3 o’clock under TAG HEUER Logo, week is displayed on the left, and date is on the right. What flaws you can find on these accurate replicas, maybe you will be obsessed with the thickness of Day-Date font, whatever, I do not care about this.

I do not like Tag Heuer watches before, ultil I saw these three Carrera Calibre 1887 models from V6 factory, I changed my mind. They are really good, however, the watch has a big size and is fully made of solid stainless steel, it feels so heavy but I exactly like this feeling on wrist, please order one and feel its high quality finish by yourself, these photos won’t tell you every thing.